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From Case Management to Service Provider
A Caring Heart Case Management, Inc. provides NC Innovations Services throughout Eastern North Carolina. Starting as a case management agency in 2005, A Caring Heart Case Management, Inc. provided quality case management services to over 800 consumers in eastern and central NC. When the state announced plans to discontinue Targeted Case Management for individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (I/DD), A Caring Heart created its direct services division for CAP consumers and state funded services. CAP became the NC Innovations Waiver starting in January 2013.

The Caring Heart Difference
A Caring Heart Case Management, Inc. didn’t change our agency name because consumers and professionals know and respect the name, and more importantly because we continue to provide case management functions for those individuals to whom we provide direct care services. First and foremost, we advocate for our consumers. We provide ongoing assessments and care planning through the development of short term goals and task analyses within the Individual Support Plan (ISP). We also coordinate services and monitor service provision internally.
Because so many of our Qualified Professionals have a background in case management, we go that extra mile to make sure that our consumers are getting the best services available in their communities – including care coordination, allied health services such as physical or speech therapy, educational services and medical care. We work with consumers and their families to provide the most current therapeutic approaches and resources available for their habilitation. As a result, the individuals and families we support receive the services that best meet their needs. Our consumers and families continue to receive the same support and dedication that we provided as case managers.

Our focus is on the consumer. We value each individual we serve as a unique human being with needs and desires all their own. We look at strengthening our consumers’ abilities to become more independent and confident in making their own decisions. We strive to meet individual preferences with respect to: goals development, scheduling of services, staff selection, choice of employment and volunteer positions.
For information on the NC Innovations Services we provide, go here. Get details on our Medicaid 1915 (i) and state-funded services here.