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A Caring Heart Residential Services - AFL and Group Homes

What is an AFL?
AFL or Alternative Family Living is a type of Residential Supports available to NC Innovations consumers and to eligible Medicaid recipients. An AFL provider is an individual or couple who chooses to provide Residential Supports in their home. The AFL site must be the primary residence of the AFL provider. An AFL can be licensed or unlicensed depending on the number of consumers receiving services in the AFL home and the age of the consumer. An AFL provider receives payment for the services and support provided to the consumer. AFL providers also receive reimbursement for room and board expenses of the consumer through a separate funding source.
What Services Are Provided?
NC Innovations Residential Supports - AFL is a comprehensive service individually designed to meet the needs of the consumer. Habilitative services focus on the individual's ability to reside as independently as possible in the community. The indiviudal is assisted with acquiring, improving and retaining skills in self-help, general household management, meal preparation, personal finance management, socialization and other adaptive areas. Assistance in activities of daily living is provided per the individual's needs. Full participation in home life and community are also encouraged and supported. AFL provider transports the individual to and from the residence to community destinations. A Caring Heart's Qualified Professionals supervise services provided in AFL settings with monthly monitoring visits at the AFL home and weekly review of service documentation.

Qualifying as an AFL Provider
A Caring Heart, as with all prospective employees, screens the AFL applicants thoroughly before placing a consumer in an AFL home. The AFL site must pass strict safety inspections prior to being approved for occupancy of a consumer. A Caring Heart matches the consumer and AFL provider based on the needs of the consumer and the qualifications of the AFL provider to ensure the best possible fit for both.

A Caring Heart provides AFL services throughout eastern NC. In addition to NC Innovations Residential Supports, A Caring Heart provides Medicaid funded AFL services. If you are a legal guardian exploring alternative residential supports for a loved one or if you are a current AFL provider or interested in becoming one, please contact the AFL Marketing and Development Specialist Erin Mairs at AFLs@acaringheartinc.com or by phone at 910-523-2520.
Group Homes
A Caring Heart expanded its residential services to include group homes in 2020. A Caring Heart provides NC Innovations Residential Supports and Medicaid funded residential services in group homes in Jacksonville and Wilmington. Group homes are residential facilities with 3 to 5 adult residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Each individual resident is supported per individual need. Assistance in activities of daily living, meal preparation, socialization and community inclusion are provided in a communal home environment with 24 hour staff support. Group home living offers the opportunity for socialization and skill building with others. All group home staff are thoroughly screened and trained, as with all of A Caring Heart employees. Please contact Keith Sampson, Program Director, at our Jacksonville #2 office for more information on our group homes and for possible vacancies.

Aunt Max's Respite House
A Caring Heart opened an overnight respite facility in Wilson in 2021. Respite is provided for Innovations consumers and for consumers eligible for Medicaid or state-funded respite. To learn more about Aunt Max's Respite House and the services provided, please contact your QP if you already receive services from A Caring Heart. Consumers that do not receive services from A Caring Heart, please contact Luann Creech, Program Director at 252-206-1266.